CNTL_442_Slowest dealing speed.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=95, x2=0, y2=115 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'slowest' CNTL_441_Slow dealing speed.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=75, x2=0, y2=95 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'slow' CNTL_440_Medium dealing speed.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=55, x2=0, y2=75 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'medium' CNTL_439_Fast dealing speed.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'fast' CNTL_438_Fastest dealing speed.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'fastest' CNTL_437_Save button.txt Bounds: x1=330, y1=263, x2=390, y2=283 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 0 RefCon: 0 Title: 'Save' CNTL_436_flip mouse up.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=95, x2=0, y2=115 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'when the mouse button is released' CNTL_435_flip below indices.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=75, x2=0, y2=95 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'when below the cards in your hand' CNTL_434_flip off stock pile.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=55, x2=0, y2=75 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'when completely off the stock pile' CNTL_433_flip 10 pixels.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'when moved at least 10 pixels' CNTL_432_flip immediate.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'immediately' CNTL_429_Skunk double.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=55, x2=0, y2=75 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'double game score' CNTL_428_Skunk 100 points.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: '100 points' CNTL_427_Skunk none.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'none' CNTL_426_Oklahoma variation.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'Oklahoma' CNTL_425_Standard variation.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'standard' CNTL_424_Unhilite selection after moving.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'unhighlight selection after moving' CNTL_423_Hide cursor while moving.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'hide cursor while moving selection' CNTL_422_Track points.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'points' CNTL_421_Track victories.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'victories' CNTL_420_Move as image.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'image' CNTL_419_Move as outline.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'outline' CNTL_418_Move by grab.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'grabbing' CNTL_417_Move by drag.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'dragging' CNTL_416_Click to move.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'move' CNTL_415_Click to select.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'select' CNTL_414_Macintalk_ On.txt Bounds: x1=60, y1=15, x2=120, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'on' CNTL_413_Macintalk_ Off.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=60, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'off' CNTL_412_Kibitzer_ Use highlighting.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'use highlighting' CNTL_411_Kibitzer_ Use macintalk.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'use macintalk' CNTL_410_Error_ Use macintalk.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=55, x2=0, y2=75 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'use macintalk' CNTL_409_Error_ Use alert dialog.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'use alert dialog' CNTL_408_Error_ Use beep.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 1 RefCon: 0 Title: 'use beep' CNTL_407_Strategy 3.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=55, x2=0, y2=75 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'strategy 3' CNTL_406_Strategy 2.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'strategy 2' CNTL_405_Strategy 1.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'strategy 1' CNTL_404_Expert skill level.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=55, x2=0, y2=75 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'expert' CNTL_403_Intermediate skill level.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=35, x2=0, y2=55 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'intermediate' CNTL_402_Beginner skill level.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=15, x2=0, y2=35 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 1 Min: 0 ProcID: 2 RefCon: 0 Title: 'beginner' CNTL_401_Cancel button.txt Bounds: x1=410, y1=263, x2=470, y2=283 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 0 RefCon: 0 Title: 'Cancel' CNTL_400_OK button.txt Bounds: x1=410, y1=233, x2=470, y2=253 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 0 RefCon: 0 Title: 'OK' CNTL_300_Scroll Bar.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0 Value: 0 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 16 RefCon: 0 Title: ''